DINAKSA, the value of weighing and technology "MADE IN SPAIN" "MADE IN EU"

DINAKSA, commitment to the Industry in Spain and Europe

Supporting your own industry is guaranteeing the future of the true industry that generates employment not only directly, but also indirectly through our daily purchases and subcontracting.
Therefore, it is time for all of us to prioritize our investment, preferably to those MADE IN SPAIN equipment.

DINAKSA faithful to its vision and values since 1997, and in the trust of its clients, has not only maintained its policies but has strengthened them - despite being a small company:
1.- It has not destroyed a single job.
2.- 100% of our employment contracts are Permanent – Young people – our average age is 34 years. And trained people, MADE IN SPAIN.
3.- It makes 100% of its purchases of materials and components from national and European suppliers. MADE IN SPAIN.
4.- Carries out 100% of its subcontracting activities with high-quality MADE IN SPAIN specialists.
5.- We continue to sponsor youth soccer and women's basketball teams. Because our youth is the future.
6.- We continue to promote sales to international markets directly or with our highly qualified distributors. We currently operate in 19 countries. Dinaksa equipment is highly valued for the high quality of materials and production, its energy efficiency, and its durability or resistance - useful life of more than 10 years. Evidence of the HIGH QUALITY of our MADE IN SPAIN product. More than 20,000 Dinaksa equipment are currently installed and fully operational.

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That is why we are committed to the MADE IN SPAIN value, and we try to convince our clients that the future of our country must go through the strength and confidence in our brand.

Just like the North Americans with the MADE IN USA, or the Italians with the MADE IN ITALY, or the Germans, Swiss,... it is time to defend our own production, not only of components but also of MADE IN SPAIN technology.

If this impulse is generalized in our society, it will be the true growth engine of our industries and of the people who live here.

Think about it, and judge what is worth more, the MADE IN CHINA - with a product that has generated absolutely nothing near you and for yours, quality in most cases doubtful, when not non-existent, without subsequent maintenance or sufficient guarantee - or the MADE IN SPAIN – quality product, generator of wealth, which feeds the company of his wife, husband and children, and contributes with his taxes to the general well-being, personalized and close attention, and after-sales guarantee. All this for a difference of 50 or 100 euros? In a product that can last you more than 10 years without any incident? It's worth it!

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Gracias por solicitar información

Desde el Dpto. Comercial de Dinaksa Pesaje industrial queremos agradecer el interés que has mostrado por nuestra compañía. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo tan pronto nos sea posible. Si transcurridas 72h. desde su solicitud no hemos contactado, rogamos...

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DINAKSA, the value of weighing and technology "MADE IN SPAIN" "MADE IN EU"

DINAKSA, commitment to the Industry in Spain and Europe Supporting your own industry is guaranteeing the future of the true industry that generates employment not only directly, but also indirectly through...

Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak finantzatu du proiektu hau, 2021eko Suspertze Adimentsua Programaren barruan
Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia dentro del Programa Reactivación Inteligente 2021


Dinaksa Industrial Weighing

Engineering, Manufacturing and after sale of Industrial Weighing Equipment

Polígono Ind. Txako, 17 - Nave J
48480 Arrigorriaga - Vizcaya
Tel:  (+34) 946 713 222*
E-mail: dinaksa@dinaksa.com

© 2024 Dinaksa Pesaje Industrial - Handling and lifting